
Kaptain Kush: Texas Is a Good Place and Everyone in There Patronizes One Business or the Other

Kaptain Kush

Kaptain Kush of The City Celeb

Tell us about yourself?

Lawrence Godwin Kingsley (born 23 August), known professionally as Kaptain Kush, is a Nigerian singer, blogger, media entrepreneur and songwriter. He was born in Lagos, Nigeria.

As a blogger, he is the brain behind the leading online biography magazine and website, TheCityCeleb Media (

Kaptain Kush is known for songs like Kush Song, Omalicha, Sorry, Orekelewa, Criminal, etc. Due to non-disclosure deal agreements, he has written songs for some of the A,B and C list artists in Nigeria and he has also managed multiple celebrities social media accounts. * Twitter: @iKaptainKush * Instagram: @KaptainKushOfficial * Facebook: Kaptain Kush

What lessons has being an entrepreneur taught you? 

Don’t pay attention to the the bad side, let the good side encourage you to do better. I’m simply saying, you shouldn’t give room to “giving up.” Startups are tough ventures, especially with when you have little resource to fund your idea. There’s never a crime in trying.

If you could go back in time to when you first started your business, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Since my first business was a failure, I started another, which has brought me this far, I would tell myself that failure is not the final route.

A lot of entrepreneurs find it difficult to balance their work and personal lives. How have you found that?

Since I’m mainly into media, which permits me to stay at home in most of the days, it’s not been a thing of so much difficulties.

I have learnt that every minute counts, so I schedule my daily to weekly activities, it’s funny cause I do miss some due to unexpected events, but it feels better to make time for everything.

Give us a bit of an insight into the influences behind the company?

What influenced the idea behind our company TheCityCeleb is what I can’t overemphasise.

What led to the creation of this was the lack of creativity in the media field when making Magazine for African and world readers, I wanted to make a difference and it’s clear, we’ve been making that difference.

What do you think is your magic sauce? What sets you apart from the competitors?

Creativity, Consistency and Hard work. We noticed everyone were doing almost the same thing, so we brought creativity as one of the spice, not just that, we added consistency and hard work to seal the void.

How have you found sales so far? Do you have any lessons you could pass on to other founders in the same market as you just starting out?

The sales has been amazing as we keep growing every month and weeks.

We do better than before all the time, that’s an indication that the future is bright for our brand. For those who are reading this, I would say, you do something by starting to do something.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced so far in your business, and how did you overcome it?

I think the biggest challenge we have experienced so far is in the aspect of our workers, training workers is one big task and in some cases, they would end up rendering bad services, even with the training.

What do you consider are the main strengths of operating your business in Texas over other states in the US?

It goes a long way, Texas is a good place and everyone in there patronizes one business or the other. Like I said, our strength was being consistent, hard working and creative.

Are there any disadvantages of operating our business in Texas?

No, I haven’t experienced any for now.

Texas has a pretty diverse population. How have you found the quickly changing demographics have impacted your business? Have you got new opportunities? Managed to expand your business into new areas?

We have expanded to Africa, Nigeria, in order to reach out to new customers, recently, we have started working on Singapore, so that’s a plus for us.

In the America, we are working on adding new states to our branches.

It is often reported that, in Texas, politics and business are intertwined. Have you noticed this? Has it impacted your business?

You can’t be running a business in Texas without knowing this, and for sure, it would always impact your business, but then, you have to learn how to manage the situation.

With rising prices across Texas (and the US as a whole) have you been impacted? Do you have a plan for dealing with inflation going forward?

Sure, we have a mapped out plans to tackle this and I can boldly tell you that it’s working pretty good in our favour.

What do you want to accomplish in the next 5 years with your business?

I want to see us become a global brand, with good track records. I know consistency, hard work and creativity would lead us there.

And finally, if people want to get involved and learn more about your business, how should they do that?

They can contact us using our provided contact information. We are opened to every calls and mails.

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