
Security Guard Insurance in Texas: Protecting Your Business and Your Workers

As a business owner in Texas, it’s important to consider the risks and liabilities that come with hiring security guards. While these professionals are essential for keeping your property and employees safe, they also face unique challenges and potential dangers on the job. That’s where security guard insurance comes in.

In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of security guard insurance in Texas, including what it covers, why it’s important, and how to find the right policy for your business.

What is Security Guard Insurance?

Security guard insurance is a type of professional liability insurance that protects businesses and individuals who employ security guards. It covers the financial costs of legal claims and lawsuits related to the duties and responsibilities of security guards, as well as any damages or injuries that may occur while on the job.

This type of insurance is often referred to as “errors and omissions” (E&O) insurance, as it covers mistakes or oversights that security guards may make while on duty. It also covers defamation, libel, and slander claims that may arise from the actions of security guards.

Why is Security Guard Insurance Important in Texas?

Security guard insurance is important for any business that employs security guards in Texas for several reasons.

First and foremost, it protects your business from financial ruin. If a security guard is sued or held liable for damages or injuries, the costs of legal fees and settlements can be significant. Without security guard insurance, your business could be on the hook for these expenses, potentially leading to financial hardship or even bankruptcy.

Security guard insurance also protects your security guards themselves. If a security guard is sued or held liable for damages or injuries, they may have to pay out of pocket for legal fees and settlements. This can be a financial burden, especially for individuals who may not have the resources to cover these costs. With security guard insurance, your security guards can have peace of mind knowing they have protection in case of legal issues.

In addition to protecting your business and your security guards, security guard insurance is also important for maintaining the reputation of your business. If a security guard is sued or found liable for damages or injuries, it can reflect poorly on your business and damage your reputation. Having security guard insurance can help mitigate the impact of these types of incidents on your reputation and help you maintain the trust of your customers and clients.

Types of Coverage in Security Guard Insurance Policies

Security guard insurance policies typically offer a range of coverage options, including:

  • General liability coverage: This covers damages or injuries that may occur on your business property, as well as any third-party claims related to the actions of your security guards.
  • Professional liability coverage: This covers errors or oversights made by your security guards while on duty, as well as defamation, libel, and slander claims.
  • Workers’ compensation coverage: This covers medical expenses and lost wages for security guards who are injured on the job.
  • Employment practices liability coverage: This covers claims related to employment practices, such as discrimination or harassment, made by security guards against your business.
  • Crime coverage: This covers losses due to theft or other criminal activities committed by your security guards.

How to Choose the Right Security Guard Insurance Policy in Texas

When it comes to choosing the right security guard insurance policy in Texas, it’s important to consider the specific needs and risks of your business. Here are some factors to consider when shopping for a policy:

  • The type of business you operate: Different types of businesses have different risks and liabilities, so it’s important to choose a policy that covers the specific needs of your business. For example, if you operate a retail store, you may want a policy that includes coverage for theft and shoplifting. On the other hand, if you operate a construction site, you may need coverage for accidents and injuries that occur on the job.
  • The size and scope of your security team: The size and scope of your security team will also play a role in choosing the right policy. If you have a large team of security guards, you may need a more comprehensive policy with higher coverage limits. On the other hand, if you have a smaller team, you may be able to get by with a more basic policy.
  • Your budget: As with any type of insurance, it’s important to consider your budget when shopping for a security guard insurance policy. Determine how much you can afford to pay in premiums and look for a policy that fits within your budget while still providing adequate coverage.
  • The reputation and financial stability of the insurance company: It’s also important to choose an insurance company with a good reputation and financial stability. You don’t want to choose a company that is at risk of going out of business or has a history of denying or delaying claims.

Tips for Finding the Best Security Guard Insurance in Texas

Now that you know what to look for in a security guard insurance policy, here are some tips for finding the best policy in Texas:

  1. Shop around: Don’t settle for the first policy you come across. Take the time to shop around and compare quotes from multiple insurance companies to ensure you’re getting the best deal.
  2. Get quotes from specialty insurance brokers: Specialty insurance brokers specialize in insurance for specific industries, such as security guard insurance. These brokers can often provide more customized coverage options and may be able to secure better rates for your business.
  3. Look for discounts: Some insurance companies offer discounts for businesses that have multiple policies, such as property insurance and liability insurance. Ask about any available discounts when getting quotes.
  4. Read the fine print: Before committing to a policy, be sure to read the fine print and understand exactly what is and isn’t covered. Make sure the policy meets the specific needs of your business and doesn’t have any hidden exclusions or limitations.
  5. Review your policy regularly: Your business and security team may change over time, so it’s important to review your security guard insurance policy regularly to ensure it still meets your needs.


Security guard insurance is an important investment for any business that employs security guards in Texas. It protects your business and your security guards from financial ruin in the event of legal claims or damages, and helps maintain the reputation of your business. When shopping for a policy, be sure to consider the specific needs and risks of your business, shop around for the best deal, and read the fine print carefully. By taking the time to find the right security guard insurance policy, you can rest assured that your business and your security team are protected.

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