
Powering Forward: Uranium Energy Corp’s Strategic Restart at Christensen Ranch

Reviving the Nuclear Energy Industry through Enhanced ISR Uranium Operations

Key Takeaways

  1. Uranium Energy Corp (UEC) has completed its strategic plan to resume operations at the Christensen Ranch in-situ recovery (ISR) Project in Wyoming, promising a fast restart.
  2. The UEC portfolio, acquired from Uranium One Americas Inc. (U1A), includes the fully-permitted Christensen Ranch ISR operations, which is a significant low-cost ISR project resource base.
  3. UEC has conducted extensive preparations and operational tests to ensure a successful resumption of operations, including rigorous electrical testing, wellfield preparations, and resin cleaning.
  4. An additional well installation at Christensen Ranch is planned for completion in August of this year, offering a significant production ramp-up.

About Uranium Energy Corp

Established as the fastest-growing supplier fueling the transition towards a low-carbon future, Uranium Energy Corp (UEC) is North America’s leading uranium company. Diversified and robust, UEC propels low-cost, environmentally conscious ISR mining uranium projects in the United States, and high-grade conventional projects in Canada. They manage seven U.S. ISR uranium projects and have a significant equity stake in Uranium Royalty Corp.

Securing a Stable Uranium Supply

Amir Adnani, President and CEO, expressed his optimism about the project: “With demand increasing for uranium supply from stable geopolitical jurisdictions and U.S. national security objectives, we foresee an increasingly urgent need for domestic uranium supply.”

The renewed focus on nuclear energy for its potential in addressing climate change concerns and ensuring energy security has driven up uranium prices. This trend has encouraged UEC to accelerate its production readiness program.

A Transformative Acquisition: UEC and U1A

In December 2021, UEC acquired U1A from Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation, Rosatom. This transformative acquisition has positioned UEC as the largest fully permitted, low-cost ISR project resource base of any U.S. based producer. The portfolio is anchored by the Irigaray Central Processing Plant (CPP) and includes over 20 uranium projects and 4 fully permitted ISR projects, among other assets.

Breathing New Life into the Christensen Ranch Project

After being on standby since 2018, the Christensen Ranch ISR Operations are ready for a revival. Key production infrastructure has been maintained, upgraded, and refurbished to facilitate a quick restart. The first project to feed the Irigaray CPP Hub will be the Christensen Ranch Project.

The company has conducted extensive operational tests to ensure readiness for production, including testing electrical systems, wellfield recovery pumps, satellite plant pumps, and more. In addition to these, UEC has also assessed and repaired lines, piping, Ion Exchange (IX) columns and valves in the satellite plant, and carried out mechanical integrity testing of all wells to be used in the resumption of operations.

Operational Flexibility at the Core

The operational setup at the Christensen Ranch ISR Project is remarkably flexible. The mine units are subdivided into modules (also known as header-houses) which can be operated individually or in any combination. This flexibility allows for swift and efficient responses to changes in operational requirements.

Testing Operations for Robust Readiness

To further prepare for resumption, UEC has conducted a series of operational tests in the Mine Units at Christensen Ranch, which evaluated electronic communications between wells and the plant, O2 and CO2 addition rates for optimizing uranium recovery, and well flow rates, among other crucial factors.

Looking to the Future: Installation of New Wellfield

In addition to preparing for a quick restart, UEC is also planning the completion of well installation at Christensen Ranch. The drilling and well installation program, planned to commence in August, consists of the completion of 180 recovery and injection wells. These new wellfield Modules will be installed and available for ramp up to meet production requirements.

UEC’s decisive strategy for the Christensen Ranch ISR Project demonstrates the company’s commitment to meet the growing demand for uranium and its readiness to resume operations swiftly. This major step towards a stable, domestic uranium supply could serve as a powerful catalyst for the nuclear energy industry, and a shining beacon for a greener future.

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