
StackPath Empowers Multi-Cloud Kubernetes Clusters with Virtual Kubelet Support

Seamless Integration of Edge Compute Containers for Unparalleled Performance

Key Takeaways:

  • StackPath, the leading edge computing platform, announces support for Virtual Kubelet (VK), enabling seamless integration of StackPath Edge Compute Containers into multi-cloud Kubernetes clusters.
  • With Virtual Kubelet support, developers and operators can manage StackPath Containers (SP// Containers) as part of their worker node deployment using standard Kubernetes APIs and management consoles.
  • StackPath’s physical proximity to end-users and on-premises networks ensures exceptional speed and responsiveness for businesses’ B2C, B2B, and internal workloads.
  • The collaboration between StackPath and Virtual Kubelet revolutionizes how companies approach Kubernetes clusters, offering a simplified and high-performance solution.

StackPath, the industry-leading edge computing platform, introduces Virtual Kubelet (VK) support, allowing developers and operators to seamlessly integrate StackPath Edge Compute Containers into multi-cloud Kubernetes clusters. This integration provides businesses with enhanced performance, geographic diversity, and simplified management of their Kubernetes deployments.

Revolutionizing Kubernetes Clusters with Virtual Kubelet

Virtual Kubelet, an open-source technology sponsored by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, is transforming the way companies approach Kubernetes clusters. With VK support, StackPath empowers Kubernetes cluster administrators to centrally manage their deployments across various networks and platforms, regardless of the integrated resources’ location or quantity.

Tom Reyes, Chief Product Officer for StackPath, highlights the significance of Virtual Kubelet support, stating, “Virtual Kubelet support delivers on all three of our core product values: speed, decentralization, and simplification. VK lets clusters span clouds without additional management overhead. StackPath gives those clusters more geographic diversity and higher proximity to data sources and destinations.”

The collaboration between StackPath and Virtual Kubelet offers a seamless solution for companies looking to harness the power of Kubernetes clusters while leveraging the benefits of edge computing. By integrating StackPath Containers (SP// Containers) into multi-cloud Kubernetes clusters, businesses can unlock new possibilities for performance optimization and geographic flexibility.

Unmatched Speed and Proximity to End-Users

StackPath distinguishes itself from other Virtual Kubelet providers by offering complete compute containers with unparalleled physical proximity to end-users and on-premises networks. This advantage translates into exceptional speed, responsiveness, and reduced latency for businesses’ B2C, B2B, and internal workloads.

Data transmitted through StackPath Edge Compute instances can reach its destination or be delivered to end-users up to 300% faster than similar instances in hyperscale cloud data centers. This remarkable performance enables companies to deliver real-time applications, latency-sensitive workloads, and critical services with unmatched efficiency and user experience.

“If you already use K8s and want to go to the edge, no need to rip and replace; just skip right to a better-performing application. Or if you held off leveraging K8s because you couldn’t afford the latency or complexity, wait no more,” emphasizes Mr. Reyes. “StackPath and VK have the perfect combination of easy-to-use and familiarity. Keep using your same Kubernetes API server and API calls. We’ll take care of the infrastructure.”

About StackPath

StackPath is a cloud platform strategically built at the internet’s edge, providing infrastructure and services closer to the source or destination of data compared to hyperscale cloud service providers. The platform offers a comprehensive suite of solutions, including StackPath Edge Compute (virtual machines and containers), Edge Delivery (CDN and serverless scripting), and Edge Security (WAF and L3-L4, L7 DDoS Protection).

Deployed in high-density markets and interconnected through a secure global network, StackPath’s edge locations ensure the efficient delivery of latency-sensitive workloads and real-time applications. The company’s solutions cater to customers ranging from Fortune 50 enterprises to one-person startups, offering them the speed, security, and efficiency they require.

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