
Tegan Digital: Rising to Prominence Among Inc.’s Fastest Growing Private Companies in America

A Triumph of Growth, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Excellence

Key Takeaways:

  • Tegan Digital, a local advertising agency, earns a prestigious spot on Inc.’s renowned annual ranking of the fastest-growing private companies in America.
  • Inc. 5000’s recognition of Tegan Digital reflects its remarkable growth, innovation, and contribution to the entrepreneurial landscape, following the footsteps of industry giants like Facebook, Microsoft, and Patagonia.
  • Tegan Digital’s consistent award-winning streak and industry recognition underscore its commitment to delivering outstanding digital experiences and meaningful partnerships.
  • With a dynamic team, visionary leadership, and a portfolio of impactful collaborations, Tegan Digital is poised for continued success and impact in the digital marketing sphere.

About Tegan Digital:

Tegan Digital, a digital-first marketing and advertising agency headquartered in Dallas, has etched its name among the fastest-growing private companies in America, thanks to its innovative approach and dedication to building digital experiences that matter.

A Resounding Achievement:

Tegan Digital’s inclusion in Inc. 5000’s class of 2023 is a testament to its growth trajectory and exceptional contributions to the industry. The recognition aligns Tegan Digital with esteemed household names that have previously graced the Inc. 5000 list, marking its emergence as a major player on the national stage.

Navigating Post-Pandemic Challenges:

The journey to secure a place on the Inc. 5000 list is not just a recognition of growth but a testament to overcoming unprecedented challenges. As Scott Omelianuk, Inc.’s editor-in-chief, notes, “Running a business has only gotten harder since the end of the pandemic.” Tegan Digital’s achievement underscores its resilience, adaptability, and ability to drive growth even in a dynamic and challenging landscape.

Embracing Fast Growth and Entrepreneurial Spirit:

Tegan Digital joins the ranks of companies that have achieved rapid revenue growth, demonstrating its prowess in navigating challenges such as inflation, capital costs, and hiring constraints. The average median three-year revenue growth rate of the top 500 companies stands at an impressive 2,238 percent. Tegan Digital’s contribution to adding over a million jobs to the economy in the past three years further solidifies its role in shaping the future of business.

A Milestone Moment:

The company’s founders reflect on their journey to the Inc. 5000 list with a sense of pride. “I’ve been following the Inc. 5000 list since I was in college,” says Aaron Mizell, Tegan’s founding partner. The recognition is a testament to Tegan Digital’s commitment to excellence and its drive to reach new heights.

A Legacy of Excellence:

Tegan Digital’s award-winning streak extends beyond the Inc. 5000 list. The agency secured an impressive 14 honors in 2022 alone and clinched two gold awards at the MUSE Creative Awards, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with global giants like Adidas and TikTok. As a finalist for AMA DFW’s Advertising Agency of the Year Award, Tegan Digital’s dedication to delivering impactful digital experiences remains unwavering.

Fueling Digital Innovation:

With over a decade of experience, Tegan Digital has made a significant impact in the digital marketing landscape. Its partnerships with diverse clients, ranging from startups to Fortune 100 companies, underscore its ability to adapt to varying needs and industries. Collaborations with entities like Lennox, Safe Harbor Marinas, Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum, and The Birthday Party Project showcase Tegan Digital’s ability to create meaningful digital solutions.

An Inspired Future:

Tegan Digital’s journey to success is driven by its visionary leadership and dedication to impactful digital experiences. “We’re having fun and we feel like we’re just getting started,” says John Herrington, Tegan’s partner. With a commitment to innovation, excellence, and client partnerships, Tegan Digital is poised to continue its upward trajectory in the world of digital marketing and advertising.

Conclusion: A Beacon of Growth and Innovation:

Tegan Digital’s inclusion in Inc.’s Fastest Growing Private Companies in America list is not just a recognition—it’s a celebration of growth, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit. The agency’s journey from local recognition to national prominence reflects its commitment to delivering exceptional digital experiences and fostering meaningful partnerships. With a legacy of excellence and a future filled with promise, Tegan Digital stands as a beacon of growth and innovation in the dynamic world of digital marketing and advertising.

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